

Track and address challenges that girl children face to ensure equal access to education

Promise History

Amendment to Marriage Act Enacted, Child Marriage Outlawed

The Zambian Parliament passed legislation making it illegal for individuals under 18 to marry, including under customary law.

Other online sourcePublished: February 6, 2024
Zambia takes bold steps to end child marriage with landmark law

The Zambian government has enacted a law that makes it illegal for individuals under 18 to marry, including under customary law. This seeks to address the alarming rates of early child marriages and address some of the challenges the girl child faces that affect their access to education 

Other online sourcePublished: June 5, 2024
Over 95,000 poor and vulnerable girls supported to attend secondary school.

The government has supported over 95,000 poor and vulnerable girls to attend secondary school, under the Keeping Girls in School program (KGS)

Ministry of EducationPublished: May 3, 2024
Student Loans Interest Rate Reduced

Government has reduced interest rates on student loans from 15 to 10 percent effective January 2024

ZNBC NewsPublished: November 27, 2023
2,900 CBU Students Get Loans

The Higher Education Loans and Scholarships Board -HELSB- has awarded student loans to over 2,900 first year students at the Copperbelt University, 42 percent are male while 58 percent are female.

ZNBC NewsPublished: October 25, 2023
Government Programme keeps 5,000 Zambezi Girls in School.

The government programme kept  5,000 Zambezi Girls in School since the introduction of the Keep Girls in School (KGS) Programme.

Open ZambiaPublished: September 21, 2022
The Children's Code Act no. 12 of 2022 passed.

The Children's Code Act no. 12 of 2022 passed, which also addresses harmful cultural practices against children, i.e female genital mutilation and child marriages.

Zambia LiiPublished: August 11, 2022
Introduction of the free education policy

Government introduces free education Policy raises hope to every child in Zambia

Fair Planet WebsitePublished: February 4, 2022

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