Social Service

Summary of Performance

as of March 7, 2025

Arranged in order of latest update

inprogress iconinprogress
Improve the quality and availability of micro community level care and health servicesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Improve the adequacy of retirement benefitsRead MoreRight arrow
implemented iconimplemented
Introduce partial withdrawal of pension contributions for specific purposesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Reform the bursary and student loan systemRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Empower Zambian women and young people through providing free education, access to land, business opportunities, meaningful employment and participation in governanceRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Align the content of the educational curriculum with the needs of industryRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Introduce work and saving incentivesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Track and address challenges that girl children face to ensure equal access to educationRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Promote culture, arts and sportRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Improve quality and range of education courses available, combined with respectable education facilitiesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
No Zambian should be discriminated based on creed, tribe, gender, physical ability or political affiliationRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Improve social cash transfersRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Increase budget allocation for water and sanitation and release such allocation timelyRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Build sustainable sports structures and programmes in line with UNDP 2030 AgendaRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Encourage the young generation to see their value and prevent then from being used for violence during electionsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Develop education-industry linkages and foster innovation and entrepreneurshipRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Respect, support, empower and reward our teachers, tutors and lecturersRead MoreRight arrow
implemented iconimplemented
Ensure secure, utilised, accounted for health care inputs to eventually be self-sufficientRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in schoolsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Reform pension system administrative efficiencyRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Ensure training of health personnel meets international standardsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Investing in educational facilities that offer training in the field of science and technologyRead MoreRight arrow
implemented iconimplemented
Introduce policies to improve health financing resourcesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Enhance M&E for WASH expendituresRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Increase the share of education in the national budgetRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Promote a culture of meritocracy for appointments to national positionsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Strive for gender equality in government representationRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Depoliticise the social cash transfer schemeRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Provide a consultative and non-confrontational platform for government to engage with professors, teachers, scholars and studentsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Put in place policies that will address the effects of pandemics like COVID-19Read MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Reform diversification of retirement income sourcesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Identify and develop support mechanisms, strategies and programmes to achieve 2020-2030 sport policy frameworkRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Reform investment mandates to avoid white elephant projectsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Revive the WASH sector advisory groupRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Develop incentives for industry players to take on students and graduatesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Create centres of specialisation locally through partnerships with private sectorRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Reform the National Health Insurance systemRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Ensure rural and urban communities participate in planning and delivery of health servicesRead MoreRight arrow

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2025, SIVIO Institute