
Summary of Performance

as of March 12, 2025

Arranged in order of latest update

inprogress iconinprogress
Re-engineer service delivery processes through technology and digitisationRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Guarantee independence and autonomy of the judiciary, a free press, and an active civil societyRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Ensure that decentralization by devolution is implementedRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Develop more effective leadership and management and ensure sectoral management capacities are strengthenedRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Support the National Assembly to develop a strategic plan for its legislative agendaRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Ensure professional personnel are allowed to represent the country in our foreign missionsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Give autonomy to the police in the enforcement of the Public Order ActRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Ensure accountability of the executive through the National Assembly and the judiciaryRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Strengthen institutions to guarantee security, safety, fundamental human rights, civil rights, civil liberties and justiceRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Ensure strict adherence to the rule of law and end selective application of the lawRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Ensure that bilateral trade, economic and technical cooperation will be the hallmark of our foreign policyRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Improve the capacity of government to formulate, analyse and implement policiesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Enacting a consultatively established Freedom of Information ActRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Widen access to justice for allRead MoreRight arrow
implemented iconimplemented
Improve Government's capacity to make better decisions at the local levelRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Support and strengthen intelligence agenciesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Promote media coverage to improve transparency and accountability and expose government misconductRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Decentralise service delivery with an increased CDF and accountable local government service providersRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Improve the capacities of local authorities to make decisions and deliver servicesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Improve the framework for Monitoring and EvaluationRead MoreRight arrow
broken iconbroken
Depoliticise the public service and improve leadership, managerial skills and officials' mindsetsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Establish a durable constitutional order to catalyse developmentRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Establish a strategy and action plan for an efficient, exceptional. Professional public serviceRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Promote a culture of transparency and accountability with controlling officers routinely appearing before appropriate parliament committeesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Rebuild diplomatic links where these have been broken and restart foreign missionsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Reform the Public Order Act and prevent its abuseRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Restructure the ECZ and ensure it's capacity to carry out legal and other related researchRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Elaborate ECZ's roles in conducting legal and electoral reformsRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Establish an independent electoral commissionRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Support the National Assembly in staffing and training the parliamentary budget officeRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Support reform efforts to make Parliament autonomousRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Separate the offices of the attorney general and minister of justiceRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Respect court judgments and ordersRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Mount a comprehensive training and capacity building programme for all relevant institutionsRead MoreRight arrow
broken iconbroken
Guarantee the independence of the judiciaryRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Guarantee adequate funding to all institutions mandated to provide securityRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Modernise the judiciary operationsRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Subject all senior public officials to performance based contracts reviewed annuallyRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Restructure and re-orient the Public Service commission and ensure the merit principle is respected in appointments and promotionsRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Ensure minister's role provides strategic leadership and policy direction not day-to-day operationsRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Ensure all cabinet ministers are appointed based on competenceRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Ensure regular engagement between the president and leaders of opposition parties to solidify Vision 2030 consensusRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Ensure the president has regular question and answer sessions with the media, parliament and opposition leadersRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Ensure all public offices have an open door policyRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Revive the process of expanding the Bill of Rights to integrate economic, social and cultural rightsRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Domesticate key international and regional conventions to uphold good governanceRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Complete the constitutional reform agenda, anchored on national consensusRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Review the role of provincial administrations to ensure local level participation in governanceRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Review and align the roles of the district commissioners with the functions of the town clerks/council secretariesRead MoreRight arrow

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2025, SIVIO Institute