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Prioritise public investments in regional, continental and global trade arrangements and promote PSD through an informed knowledge economy

Promise History

Zambia Development Agency clinches US$12.22m deals in DRC trade outing

Business volumes amounting to US$12.22 million have been recorded by the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) from the recent Trade Mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). ZDA last month undertook a trade mission in DRC’s Hauti Katanga Province with a delegation of 40 companies with a goal of enhancing Zambia’s non-traditional exports (NTEs) and securing market access for Zambian products.

Link iconDaily NationPublished: November 12, 2024
Efforts to enhance visibility intensified by the Government.

Government intensifies efforts to enhance Zambia’s visibility and competitiveness at the global stage to attract investment.

Link iconZambia Development AgencyPublished: January 14, 2022

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