Social Service

Summary of Performance

as of March 31, 2025

Arranged in order of latest update

inprogress iconinprogress
Strengthen healthcare infrastructure, improving training of healthcare personnel and using technology to improve healthcare management.Read MoreRight arrow
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Ensure schools are conducive to education, with enough classrooms, safe and appropriate sanitation facilities, clean water and a daily meal for those who need itRead MoreRight arrow
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Ensure that we also reduce the high cost of living through ensuring that everyone in South Africa has equal access to equitable, accessible and affordable quality healthcare.Read MoreRight arrow
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Continue with institutional reforms in the water sector to enable greater investment in bulk water infrastructure and better regulation of water services across the country.Read MoreRight arrow
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Continue to implement the National Strategic Plan on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide, and expand victim support services, like the ThuthuzelaCentres and GBV desks in police stations.Read MoreRight arrow
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Will continue to tackle priority crimes like illegal mining, gang violence, cash-in-transit heists and the construction mafia through specialised police units.Read MoreRight arrow
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Expand vocational and technical training in schools and post-school institutions, and take a demand-led approach to skills development.Read MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Focus on achieving universal access to early childhood development, which is a prerequisite for improved learning in later yearsRead MoreRight arrow
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Ensure that local governments properly implement the indigent policy so that the old, the infirm and the poor are able to get assistance with the payment of basic servicesRead MoreRight arrow
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Introduce a sustainable form of income support for unemployed people to address the challenge of income povertyRead MoreRight arrow
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Invest in digital identity and payments, expand access to affordable broadband, and increase training for young people in digital skillsRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Expand and institutionalise The Presidential Employment Stimulus, the Expanded Public Works Programme and other initiatives under the Presidential Youth Employment Intervention so that more and more young people can participate in job opportunities and skills developmentRead MoreRight arrow

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2025, SIVIO Institute