
Summary of Performance

as of March 12, 2025

Arranged in order of latest update

inprogress iconinprogress
Review the water transport concession agreementsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Increase access to electricity to 60% within the next five yearsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Create an enabling environment for the growth of ICT and telecommunicationRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Promote monetary policy designed to sustain low rates of inflation.Read MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Reintroduce the district Roads Improvement and Maintenance Programme (DRIMP)Read MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Promote financial access and literacy in the country to enhance financial inclusion which is vital to sustainable economic growth and developmentRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Emphasize on prudent fiscal policies that encourage spending on priority sectors of the economy and ensuring that all resources made available to the government are utilized to the benefit of Malawians.Read MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Promote independence of the RBM to ensure that monetary policy is market driven and managed in the manner that takes into account the country’s overall development agendaRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Encourage electronic payments by promoting digitization of payments by making it a policy for service providers to provide the infrastructure that supports interoperability such as auto-teller machines, point of sale devices, mobile payments and Internet-based related electronic payment channelsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Expand electricity generation capacity to 2000 megawatts within the first two years and to 5000 megawatts within the next 5 to 10 years.Read MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Integrate the Malawi economy into the global marketRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Ensure strict adhere and compliance with laws to promote investment in mining by both local and international companiesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Review and promote a fair and effective taxation systemRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Develop and operationalise laboratory services to test both mineral and petroleum samples locallyRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Upgrade all existing port facilities at Chilumba, Nkhata Bay, Nkhota-kota, Chipoka and Monkey Bay and construct new onesRead MoreRight arrow
broken iconbroken
Reduce the level of domestic and external debt from the current MK 3.5 Trillion to less than MK 1 Trillion within the next five yearsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Establish four fully serviced economic zonesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Undertake investment promotion to enhance industrialisation and attract FDIRead MoreRight arrow
broken iconbroken
Ensure that the country has adequate production, supply, and stock of petroleum fuels at all timesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Encourage value chain addition and agroprocessing to imrpove gross margins for farmersRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Set up a bank foused on giving credit to youth and women to enhance their participation in the country's economyRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Promote a wide range of incentives over and above the existing tax incentives to promote tourism in the countryRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Revitalise the Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC)Read MoreRight arrow
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Organise regular tourism promotion eventsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Repossess and redistribute land that remains idle and undeveloped beyond the specified development periodRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Incentivize Financial Service Providers (FSPs) to provide products based on the the needs and wants of young entrepreneursRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Prioritise local participation in FDIsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Implement and fund the Transport Master PlanRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Facilitate market expansions for agricultural products by creating pathways to new markets and enhaning relationships with current trade partnersRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Develop a comprehensive tax policyRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Mobilise financial resources domestically and manage through a water-tight strategy of zero tolerance of corruptionRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Diversify energy sourcesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Create a favourable environment for the private sector to facilitate investments and growth of a robust economy to benefit MalawiansRead MoreRight arrow
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Improve infrastructure network to grant tourists access to facilitiesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Implement the Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) policyRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Develop the mining's local content policy to ensure Malawians benefit from mining investmentsRead MoreRight arrow
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Raise the irrigable hectarage to over 50% within the next five yearsRead MoreRight arrow
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Ensure more coordinated planning and development of urban areas to ensure all developments meet set minimum standardsRead MoreRight arrow
broken iconbroken
Implement policies to keep inflation levels down to single digit valuesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Promote the development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and CooperativesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Strengthen agro-value chains to improve access to finance and markets for farmersRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Improve the design of urban or residential road networkRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Ensure a predictable operating environment for doing business to support private sector and attract FDIRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Offer domestic operation licenses to other operators to increase the volume of traffic and open up strategic tourist destinations.Read MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Remove all tariff and non-tariff barriers on internet facilitiesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Extend fibre optic cable network to all urban and rural centresRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Establish a new National AirlinerRead MoreRight arrow
implemented iconimplemented
Upgrade M1 road from Nsanje to ChitipaRead MoreRight arrow
implemented iconimplemented
Develop a tourism marketing planRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Promote transparency and accountability in the issuance of mining licenses and management of proceedsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Implement the new mining policyRead MoreRight arrow
implemented iconimplemented
Review and improve the National Export StrategyRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Promote energy programming, budgeting and monitoringRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Construct a mega dam with the capacity to generate 2000 megawattsRead MoreRight arrow
implemented iconimplemented
Introduce universal Farm Input Subsidy ProgrammeRead MoreRight arrow
implemented iconimplemented
Change the fiscal year to run from 1st April to 31st MarchRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Ensure that the rate of economic growth is higher than population growth rate with an annual growth rate of 6% for the next 10 yearsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Enact interest cap legislation to limit interest rates charged by commercial banks at no more than 5% above the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) Base Lending RatesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Support women farmers' collectives and savings groupsRead MoreRight arrow
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Revamp and upgrade all airports, particularly Nyika, Chitipa, Salima, Mangochi, Mulanje and Chikwawa.Read MoreRight arrow
broken iconbroken
Create a favourable environment for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to participate in the economy and contribute to national developmentRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Establish new Lake Malawi tourist cities in Karonga, Salima and MangochiRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Connect all government offices and public facilities to broadband internetRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Allow new entrants to ICT sectorRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Review policies and constraints affecting the airline industry and increase the fleet of aircrafts for domestic operatorsRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Introduce more modern water transport vessels for both cargo and passenger services on Lake Malawi.Read MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Revamp support institutions for water transport safetyRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Depoliticise road development programmesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Exploit social media as an instrument for promoting Malawi as an attractive tourist destination.Read MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Forecast human resource needs and ensure our people attain knowledge fit for exploitation of non-renewable resourcedRead MoreRight arrow
implemented iconimplemented
Develop a Comprehensive Mining Strategy (CMS)Read MoreRight arrow
implemented iconimplemented
Finalise geo-mineral resource mapping and develop a comprehensive exploitation planRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Identify potential mineral buyers and re-establish Gemstone Marketing CentersRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Domesticate the AMV by establishing a workable and investment-based Country Mining Vision (CMV)Read MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Establish village factoriesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Create designated spaces in metropoles as markets for Malawian merchandize and promote a Buy Malawi strategyRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Introduce a differentiated tax incentive schemeRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Promote rural industrializationRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Establish an Economic Empowerment Fund (EEF) with affordable interest rates for SMEsRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Enhance participation of indigenous Malawians in major government procurement and investment initiativesRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Improve the adequacy, quality and and quantity of energy distribution faciliticiesRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Construct waste management plants in Blantyre, Lilongwe, Mzuzu and ZombaRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Reintroduce training of extension personnelRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Reduce post-harvest losses to less than 10% especially among smallholder farmersRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Turn maize into a cash crop by removing bottlenecks the undermine maize marketingRead MoreRight arrow
implemented iconimplemented
Raise the zero-rated Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tax threshold from MK 35,000 to MK 100,000Read MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Multiply the current legume export value by five-fold plus, contributing towards domestic resource mobilisation driveRead MoreRight arrow
inprogress iconinprogress
Promote the use of structured markets to mobilize domestic resources to multiply commodity exports more than five foldRead MoreRight arrow
not_commenced iconnot commenced
Strengthen Government's Financial Management Systems and promote transparency and accountabilityRead MoreRight arrow

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2025, SIVIO Institute